Weather Display Analyseur

Analyser fichiers personnalisés


Dernière 24 Hours - graphs and table
Dernière 7 Jours - graphs and table
Dernière 1 Heure - graphs and table
Dernière 31 Jours - graphs and table


1 average windspeed wind speed 5.2 kt
2.7 m/s
9.6 km/h
6.0 mph
2 current windspeed wind speed 6.0 kt
3.1 m/s
11.1 km/h
6.9 mph
3 wind direction wind direction 158° (SSE)
4 temperature temperature 26.7°C
5 outdoor humidity humidity 43%
6 pressure pressure 1017.0 hPa
30.03 inHg
7 daily rainfall rainfall 0.0 mm
0.00 in
8 monthly rainfall rainfall 55.9 mm
2.20 in
9 yearly rainfall rainfall 150.4 mm
5.92 in
10 rain rate rain rate 0.00 mm/min
0.00 in/min
11 max rainrate for the day rain rate 0.00 mm/min
0.00 in/min
12 indoor temperature indoor 30.5°C
13 indoor humidity indoor 35%
14 soil temperature temperature 100.0°C
15 forecast icon forecast 4
16 WMR968 extra temperature WMR968 0.0°C
17 WMR968 extra humidity WMR968 0%
18 WMR968 extra sensor number WMR968 0
19 yesterday rainfall rainfall 0.0 mm
0.00 in
20 extra temperature sensor #1 temperature extra 52.1°C
21 extra temperature sensor #2 temperature extra 0.0°C
22 extra temperature sensor #3 temperature extra 0.0°C
23 extra temperature sensor #4 temperature extra -100.0°C
24 extra temperature sensor #5 temperature extra -100.0°C
25 extra temperature sensor #6 temperature extra -100.0°C
26 extra humidity sensor #1 humidity extra -100%
27 extra humidity sensor #2 humidity extra -100%
28 extra humidity sensor #3 humidity extra -100%
29 hour time 22
30 minute time 05
31 seconds time 15
32 station name and time added general Didiersm_Fontenilles-10:05:15_PM
33 lightning counts since noon
if using Nexstorm, then it is the total counts supplied by Nexstorm
lightning 0
34 actual solar reading solar 0
35 day date 22
36 month date 8
37 WMR968 battery level 1 WMR968 100
38 WMR968 battery level 2 WMR968 100
39 WMR968 battery level 3 WMR968 100
40 WMR968 battery level 4 WMR968 100
41 WMR968 battery level 5 WMR968 100
42 WMR968 battery level 6 WMR968 100
43 WMR968 battery level 7 WMR968 12.8
44 current windchill reading temperature wind chill 26.7°C
45 current humidex value temperature humidex 29.5°C
46 maximum daily temperature temperature 37.1°C
47 minimum daily temperature temperature 12.8°C
48 current condition icon general Clear night
49 current weather description general Dry/Night_time
50 barotrend last hour pressure 2.0 hPa
0.06 inHg
71 maximum gust for the day wind gust 14.4 kt
7.4 m/s
26.7 km/h
16.6 mph
72 dew point temperature temperature dew point 13.1°C
73 cloud height general 5610.9 ft
1710 m
74 current date date 8/22/2017
75 maximum humidex temperature humidex 30.6°C
76 minimum humidex temperature humidex 27.1°C
77 maximum windchill temperature windchill 37.1°C
78 minimum windchill temperature windchill 12.8°C
79 davis VP UV VP 0.0
110 maximum heat index temperature heat index 35.7°C
111 minimum heat index temperature heat index 12.8°C
112 heat index temperature heat index 26.7°C
113 maximum average wind speed for the day wind speed 12.0 kt
6.2 m/s
22.2 km/h
13.8 mph
114 lightning count last minute lightning 0
115 time of last lightning count lightning ---
116 date of last lightning count lightning ---
117 average wind speed direction wind direction 205° (SSW)
118 nexstorm distance of last strike lightning 0
119 nexstorm bearing of last strike lightning 0° (N)
120 extra temperature sensor #7 temperature extra -100.0°C
121 extra temperature sensor #8 temperature extra 100°C
122 extra humidity sensor #4 humidity extra 100%
123 extra humidity sensor #5 humidity extra 100%
124 extra humidity sensor #6 humidity extra 100%
125 extra humidity sensor #7 humidity extra 100%
126 extra humidity sensor #8 humidity extra 100%
127 VP solar reading VP 0.0 W/m2
128 max indoor temperature indoor 31.0°C
129 min indoor temperature indoor 25.0°C
130 apparent temperature temperature 26.3°C
131 max barometer pressure 1017.0 hPa
30.03 inHg
132 min barometer pressure 1013.0 hPa
29.91 inHg
133 max gust last hour wind gust 10 kt
5.1 m/s
18.5 km/h
11.5 mph
134 max gust last hour time wind gust 10:02PM
135 max gust today time wind gust 11:37_AM
136 max apparent temperature temperature 30.2°C
137 min apparent temperature temperature 25.8°C
138 max dew point temperature dew point 13.2°C
139 min dew point temperature dew point 5.5°C
140 max gust in the last minute wind gust 8 kt
4.1 m/s
14.8 km/h
9.2 mph
141 year date 2017
142 THSWI index general -17.8
143 temperature trend temperature -1
144 humidity trend humidity 1
145 humidex trend temperature humidex 1
156 VP leaf wetness VP 0.0
157 VP soil moisture VP 255.0
158 10 minute average windspeed wind speed 3.9 kt
2.0 m/s
7.2 km/h
4.5 mph
159 wet bulb temperature 18.6°C
160 latitude general 43.55833
161 longitude general -1.18611
162 9am reset rain total rainfall 7.4 mm
0.29 in
163 daily high humidity humidity 63 %
164 daily low humidity humidity 20 %
165 midnight reset rain total rainfall 0.0 mm
0.00 in
166 time of daily low windchill temperature windchill 6:18_AM
167 current cost channel 1 other 0.0 W
168 current cost channel 2 other 0.0 W
169 current cost channel 3 other 0.0 W
170 current cost channel 4 other 0.0 W
171 current cost channel 5 other 0.0 W
172 current cost channel 6 other 0.0 W
173 daily wind run wind run 175.3 km
108.9 mi
174 time of daily max temperature temperature 5:28_PM
175 time of daily min temperature temperature 6:18_AM
176 10 min wind direction average wind 284
177 version of Weather Display general !!C10.37S55!!


sun rise 7:07am
sun set 8:47pm
moon rise 7:45am
moon set 9:17pm
moon phase 1


monthly maximum temperature temperature 37.1°C
monthly maximum temperature time/date temperature 22.08.2017 17:28
monthly minimum temperature temperature 10.2°C
monthly minimum temperature time/date temperature 21.08.2017 7:25
monthly maximum wind gust wind gust 19.3 kt
9.9 m/s
35.7 km/h
22.2 mph
monthly maximum wind gust time/date wind gust 19.08.2017 17:29
monthly maximum pressure pressure 1027.0 hPa
30.33 inHg
monthly maximum pressure time/date pressure 12.08.2017 10:38
monthly minimum pressure pressure 1009.0 hPa
29.80 inHg
monthly minimum pressure time/date pressure 07.08.2017 19:49
maximum daily rain rainfall 6.4 mm
0.25 inHg
maximum daily rain time/date rainfall 08.08.2017 2:50
maximum hourly rain rainfall 4.4 mm
0.17 inHg
maximum hourly rain time/date rainfall 08.08.2017 0:47
monthly maximum wind speed wind speed 15.3 kt
7.9 m/s
28.3 km/h
17.6 mph
monthly maximum wind speed time/date wind speed 19.08.2017 15:43
monthly minimum windchill temperature windchill 10.2°C
monthly minimum windchill time/date temperature 21.08.2017 7:25
monthly warmest day temperature 28.8°C
monthly warmest day time/date temperature 22.08.2017 18:59
monthly coldest day temperature 16.7°C
monthly coldest day time/date temperature 09.08.2017 18:59
monthly warmest night temperature 23.1°C
monthly warmest night time/date temperature 05.08.2017 6:02
monthly coldest night temperature 13.4°C
monthly coldest night time/date temperature 10.08.2017 6:59
monthly maximum heat index temperature heat index 35.7°C
monthly maximum heat index time/date temperature heat index 22.08.2017 17:28
monthly maximum solar radiation solar 17850.0 W/m2
monthly maximum solar radiation time/date solar 04.08.2017 21:14
monthly maximum UV UV 0.0
monthly maximum UV time/date UV 24.03.2017 19:17
monthly maximum dew point temperature dew point 19.0°C
monthly maximum dew point time/date temperature heat index 05.08.2017 14:08
monthly minimum dew point temperature dew point 2.2°C
monthly minimum dew point time/date temperature heat index 20.08.2017 21:06
yearly maximum temperature temperature 52.1°C
yearly maximum temperature time/date temperature 03.07.2017 1:51
yearly minimum temperature temperature 0.0°C
yearly minimum temperature time/date temperature 24.03.2017 7:30
yearly maximum wind gust wind gust 47.2 kt
24.3 m/s
87.4 km/h
54.3 mph
yearly maximum wind gust time/date wind gust 27.06.2017 7:09
yearly maximum pressure pressure 1029.0 hPa
30.39 inHg
yearly maximum pressure time/date pressure 02.07.2017 1:14
yearly minimum pressure pressure 875.0 hPa
25.84 inHg
yearly minimum pressure time/date pressure 20.04.2017 6:02
yearly daily rain rainfall 40.2 mm
1.58 inHg
yearly daily rain time/date rainfall 30.05.2017 10:54
yearly hourly rain rainfall 28.7 mm
1.13 inHg
yearly hourly rain time/date rainfall 19.07.2017 23:24
yearly maximum wind speed wind speed 37.8 kt
19.4 m/s
70.0 km/h
43.5 mph
yearly maximum wind speed time/date wind speed 27.06.2017 7:10
yearly minimum windchill temperature windchill 0.0°C
yearly minimum windchill time/date temperature 24.03.2017 7:30
yearly warmest day temperature 32.5°C
yearly warmest day time/date temperature 03.07.2017 18:00
yearly coldest day temperature 6.2°C
yearly coldest day time/date temperature 18.04.2017 18:00
yearly warmest night temperature 39.3°C
yearly warmest night time/date temperature 03.07.2017 6:46
yearly coldest night temperature 13.2°C
yearly coldest night time/date temperature 01.07.2017 6:59
yearly maximum heat index temperature heat index 42.0°C
yearly maximum heat index time/date temperature heat index 22.06.2017 3:05
yearly maximum solar radiation solar 17850.0 W/m2
yearly maximum solar radiation time/date solar 21.05.2017 3:05
yearly maximum UV UV 0.0
yearly maximum UV time/date UV 24.03.2017 19:17
yearly maximum dew point temperature dew point 38.3°C
yearly maximum dew point time/date temperature heat index 03.07.2017 1:51
yearly minimum dew point temperature dew point -3.4°C
yearly minimum dew point time/date temperature heat index 18.04.2017 9:13
all time maximum temperature temperature 52.1°C
all time maximum temperature time/date temperature 03.07.2017 1:51
all time minimum temperature temperature 0.0°C
all time minimum temperature time/date temperature 24.03.2017 7:30
all time maximum wind gust wind gust 47.2 kt
24.3 m/s
87.4 km/h
54.3 mph
all time maximum wind gust time/date wind gust 27.06.2017 7:09
all time maximum pressure pressure 1029.0 hPa
30.39 inHg
all time maximum pressure time/date pressure 02.07.2017 1:14
all time minimum pressure pressure 875.0 hPa
25.84 inHg
all time minimum pressure time/date pressure 20.04.2017 6:02
all time daily rain rainfall 40.2 mm
1.58 inHg
all time daily rain time/date rainfall 30.05.2017 10:54
all time hourly rain rainfall 28.7 mm
1.13 inHg
all time hourly rain time/date rainfall 19.07.2017 23:24
all time maximum wind speed wind speed 37.8 kt
19.4 m/s
70.0 km/h
43.5 mph
all time maximum wind speed time/date wind speed 27.06.2017 7:10
all time minimum windchill temperature windchill 0.0°C
all time minimum windchill time/date temperature 24.03.2017 7:30
all time warmest day temperature 32.5°C
all time warmest day time/date temperature 03.07.2017 18:00
all time coldest day temperature 6.2°C
all time coldest day time/date temperature 18.04.2017 18:00
all time warmest night temperature 39.3°C
all time warmest night time/date temperature 03.07.2017 6:46
all time coldest night temperature 13.2°C
all time coldest night time/date temperature 01.07.2017 6:59
all time maximum heat index temperature heat index 42.0°C
all time maximum heat index time/date temperature heat index 22.06.2017 3:05
all time maximum solar radiation solar 17850.0 W/m2
all time maximum solar radiation time/date solar 21.05.2017 3:05
all time maximum UV UV 0.0
all time maximum UV time/date UV 24.03.2017 19:17
all time maximum dew point temperature dew point 38.3°C
all time maximum dew point time/date temperature heat index 03.07.2017 1:51
all time minimum dew point temperature dew point -3.4°C
all time minimum dew point time/date temperature heat index 18.04.2017 9:13
days with rain this month rainfall 1
days with no rain this month rainfall 5

Dernière 24 Hours









4 14.3 1016.0 58 0.0 338° (NNW) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 26.7 0
4 13.7 1016.0 61 0.0 68° (ENE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 26.4 0
5 13.1 1016.0 61 3.7 292° (WNW) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 26.1 0
6 12.8 1016.0 62 1.9 270° (W) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.9 0
7 13.0 1016.0 62 1.9 292° (WNW) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.6 0
7 16.1 1016.0 60 3.7 0° (N) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.4 0
8 19.7 1016.0 49 7.4 158° (SSE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.2 0
9 24.4 1016.0 40 11.1 135° (SE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.0 0
10 27.4 1016.0 33 11.1 158° (SSE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.1 0
11 29.4 1016.0 29 16.7 90° (E) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.3 0
11 30.6 1016.0 28 16.7 112° (ESE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 25.7 0
12 31.9 1016.0 27 13.0 90° (E) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 26.2 0
1 33.0 1015.0 26 18.5 158° (SSE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 27.0 0
2 34.2 1015.0 25 13.0 112° (ESE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 27.9 0
2 35.2 1015.0 23 13.0 90° (E) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 28.6 0
3 36.1 1014.0 22 9.3 112° (ESE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 29.3 0
4 36.5 1013.0 21 5.6 180° (S) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 29.7 0
5 36.6 1014.0 20 7.4 158° (SSE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 30.2 0
5 36.8 1015.0 20 5.6 135° (SE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 30.6 0
6 35.5 1014.0 20 7.4 158° (SSE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 30.8 0
7 33.8 1014.0 22 5.6 135° (SE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 31.0 0
8 32.2 1014.0 23 5.6 158° (SSE) 0.0 17850.0 24.6 30.9 0
8 29.3 1014.0 26 7.4 169° (S) 0.0 17850.0 25.0 30.6 0
10 26.8 1016.0 42 7.4 277° (W) 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.5 0

Dernière 7 Jours








Sun 15.0 1026.0 70 0.0 0.0 17850.0 24.6
Mon 14.9 1026.0 72 8.0 0.0 17850.0 24.6
Tue 14.5 1026.0 75 3.7 0.0 17850.0 24.6
Wed 11.2 1025.0 83 6.9 0.0 17850.0 24.6
Thu 11.3 1025.0 83 0.0 0.0 17850.0 24.6
Fri 11.9 1025.0 86 4.1 0.0 17850.0 24.6
Sat 25.0 1026.0 45 1.9 0.0 17850.0 24.6

Dernière 1 Heure







08:58 29.5 1014.0 26 3.7 7.4 0.0 17850.0
08:59 29.3 1014.0 26 7.4 9.3 0.0 17850.0
09:00 29.2 1014.0 27 7.4 13.0 0.0 17850.0
09:01 29.2 1014.0 27 7.4 13.0 0.0 0.0
09:02 29.0 1014.7 27 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:03 29.0 1015.0 27 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:04 28.9 1015.0 28 3.7 3.7 0.0 0.0
09:05 28.8 1015.0 28 1.9 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:06 28.8 1015.0 28 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:07 28.7 1015.0 28 1.9 3.7 0.0 0.0
09:08 28.5 1015.0 28 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:09 28.5 1015.0 28 3.7 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:10 28.4 1015.0 28 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:11 28.3 1015.0 28 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:12 28.3 1015.0 28 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:13 28.2 1015.0 28 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:14 28.2 1015.0 28 3.7 3.7 0.0 0.0
09:15 28.1 1015.0 29 3.7 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:16 28.0 1015.0 29 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:17 28.0 1015.7 29 5.6 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:18 28.0 1016.0 29 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:19 28.0 1016.0 29 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:20 27.9 1016.0 29 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:21 27.8 1016.0 29 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:22 27.8 1016.0 29 3.7 3.7 0.0 0.0
09:23 27.7 1016.0 30 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:24 27.7 1016.0 30 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:25 27.7 1016.0 30 1.9 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:26 27.7 1016.0 30 3.7 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:27 27.5 1016.0 31 5.6 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:28 27.5 1016.0 31 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:29 27.5 1016.0 31 5.6 5.6 0.0 0.0
09:30 27.4 1016.0 32 5.6 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:31 27.4 1016.0 32 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:32 27.4 1016.0 33 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:33 27.3 1016.0 33 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:34 27.3 1016.0 33 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:35 27.2 1016.0 35 9.3 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:36 27.2 1016.0 34 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:37 27.2 1016.0 35 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:38 27.2 1016.0 36 7.4 11.1 0.0 0.0
09:39 27.2 1016.0 36 11.1 14.8 0.0 0.0
09:40 27.1 1016.0 37 11.1 14.8 0.0 0.0
09:41 27.0 1016.0 38 9.3 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:42 27.0 1016.0 38 9.3 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:43 27.0 1016.0 39 9.3 11.1 0.0 0.0
09:44 27.0 1016.0 39 9.3 14.8 0.0 0.0
09:45 27.0 1016.0 40 13.0 14.8 0.0 0.0
09:46 27.0 1016.0 41 11.1 11.1 0.0 0.0
09:47 27.0 1016.0 41 7.4 13.0 0.0 0.0
09:48 26.9 1016.0 42 9.3 13.0 0.0 0.0
09:49 26.9 1016.0 41 5.6 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:50 26.9 1016.0 42 7.4 9.3 0.0 0.0
09:51 26.9 1016.0 42 9.3 14.8 0.0 0.0
09:52 26.9 1016.0 42 9.3 11.1 0.0 0.0
09:53 26.9 1016.0 42 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:54 26.8 1016.0 42 1.9 3.7 0.0 0.0
09:55 26.8 1016.0 42 3.7 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:56 26.8 1016.0 42 5.6 7.4 0.0 0.0
09:57 26.8 1016.0 43 5.6 11.1 0.0 0.0

Dernière 31 Jours






22 18.0 17.6 1021.0 26 7.4 145.1° (SE) 0.0
23 24.4 16.4 1023.0 26 12.2 104.6° (ESE) 3.1
24 15.8 15.8 1022.0 27 11.1 63.7° (ENE) 0.0
25 25.7 14.8 1020.0 27 11.1 118.2° (ESE) 0.0
26 15.4 15.4 1020.0 27 5.6 342.2° (NNW) 0.0
27 29.2 14.1 1018.0 27 6.5 355.2° (N) 0.0
28 22.4 22.3 1018.0 28 5.6 76.6° (ENE) 0.0
29 27.2 19.7 1021.0 28 9.8 97.4° (E) 0.0
30 20.3 20.3 1021.0 28 7.4 106.3° (ESE) 0.0
01 30.3 17.2 1019.0 28 8.9 173.7° (S) 0.0
02 17.3 17.0 1020.0 28 5.6 84.1° (E) 0.0
03 33.0 13.4 1013.0 28 5.0 133.1° (SE) 0.0
04 19.3 19.2 1013.0 28 3.7 286.4° (WNW) 0.0
05 22.9 15.6 1021.0 28 9.1 165.8° (SSE) 6.4
06 16.7 16.7 1021.0 28 3.7 181.7° (S) 6.4
07 19.9 11.1 1024.0 28 6.5 197.8° (SSW) 0.0
08 11.5 11.5 1025.0 28 3.7 211.9° (SSW) 0.0
09 22.3 11.2 1025.0 29 9.6 143.3° (SE) 1.0
10 14.4 14.4 1026.0 29 7.4 127.2° (SE) 0.0
11 26.1 13.0 1026.0 29 9.6 96.3° (E) 0.0
12 14.6 14.5 1026.0 29 7.4 116.6° (ESE) 0.0
13 29.3 11.1 1024.0 29 5.7 135.0° (SE) 0.0
14 16.0 16.0 1024.0 29 0.0 354.4° (N) 0.0
15 31.2 12.3 1018.0 29 3.3 247.5° (WSW) 0.0
16 17.5 17.5 1017.0 29 0.0 90.0° (E) 0.0
17 29.0 14.7 1025.0 30 8.0 113.5° (ESE) 0.0
18 13.7 13.7 1025.0 30 3.7 58.1° (ENE) 0.0
19 30.8 11.0 1025.0 30 6.9 2.9° (N) 0.0
20 13.5 13.5 1025.0 30 0.0 94.8° (E) 0.0
21 35.6 10.2 1017.0 31 4.1 336.2° (NNW) 0.0
22 18.2 18.1 1016.0 31 1.9 39.0° (NE) 0.0

Weather Display

Weather Display is a software to communicate with your weather station. It supports a huge range of stations from all the major manufacturers but it's also stacked with features and options. These include real time, auto scale and graph history graphing, FTP of the weather data to your web page, pager and email notifications of extreme conditions, web download, Metar/ Synop emails, averages/extreme/climate/NOAA reports, web cam upload, grouped file uploads, FTP downloads, decoded metar download's, APRS output (internet and direct com port as well) ,WAP, direct web cam capture, animated web cam images, weatherdials, weather voice, weather answer phone, use of Dallas 1 wire sensors (such as lightning counter, solar sensor, barometer sensor and extra temperature/humidity sensors with any weather station), use a Labjack to add extra temperature or humidity sensor to your existing weather station (USB)... and lots more!

Weather Display is compatible with Windows NT/98/2000/ME/XP/VISTA,Windows 7/8,10 /OSX/Linux/Raspberry Pi.

Weather Display is also fully compatible with Meteotemplate

Go to Website
WD forum - Meteotemplate

Developer: Brian Hamilton


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Vitesse du vent

Rafale de vent


Rayonnement solaire


Température ressentie

Point de rosée



Base des nuages


Indoor temperature

Indoor humidity

Lever du soleil

Coucher du soleil

Lever de lune

Coucher de lune






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En hausse

En baisse





éclipse solaire

éclipse de lune






Haut température

Basse température





